The Postgraduate Program in Information Science (PPGCI), linked to the Institute of Applied Social Sciences (ICSA) at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), was approved by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) in 2016 as an Academic Master's Degree course in Information Science. The program scored 4 in CAPES' Quadrennial Evaluation 2021, for the 2017-2020 quadrennium. In addition, the proposal for the PhD course was approved on June 7, 2023.

The field of Information Science studies the properties and behavior of information, the forces that govern its flow, and the means of processing it to improve its access and use. In this context, the PPGCI proposal aims to train and qualify professionals with an interdisciplinary perspective and the ability to critically reflect on theories and practices related to the organization, mediation and use of information, in search of the development and application of knowledge.

The creation of the Program meets the demand of professionals and technicians in the Amazon Region for stricto sensu courses in the field of Information Science who, due to lack of opportunities, ended up seeking training in other regions or countries. In this sense, the PPGCI will contribute to the dissemination of training and research at postgraduate level in the area, as well as improving the approach and discussion of problems and solutions in the field of organization, mediation and use of information in the Amazon Region. The program is currently structured around the area of concentration "Information Management and Knowledge Organization" and two lines of research: "Mediation and Use of Information" and "Information Organization". The teaching staff is made up of sixteen permanent members and five collaborators. 


Self-evaluation PPGCI ICSA UFPA

The major impetus for the Program's self-assessment process began in 2019 with the release of the report by the CAPES Graduate Program Self-Assessment Working Group. Planning and development was organized as one of the final links in the Program's strategic planning structure and, consequently, the formalization of the development of the fundamental guiding elements such as the vision, mission and values of the PPGCI/UFPA. The self-evaluation process was discussed and defined in terms of its bases and methodologies by the Self-Evaluation Committee.

The basic principle of self-evaluation is freedom of expression, and an anonymous instrument is used for the responses from the different departments included in the consultations. This process starts from the perspective that each section of the Program has on quality, expressed as their perception of the added value received. This indicates the measurement of the capacity to deliver added value on the part of the community enrollment.


Ordinance No. 1/2021, of March 9, 2021

Composition of the Commission:

Prof. Dr. Cristian Berrío-Zapata, Vice-Coordination (PPGCI)

Profa. Dr. Franciele Marques Redigolo, Coordination (PPGCI)

Profa. Dr. Marise Teles Condurú, Commission Representative (APCN PPGCI)

Prof. Dr. Fernando de Assis Rodrigues, Faculty Representative

Prof. Dr. Gilberto Gomes Cândido, Faculty Representative

Profa. Dr. Natália Marinho do Nascimento, Faculty Representative

Prof. Camila do Nascimento Brito, Student Representative

Suelene Santana Assunção, Student Representative

Me. Ester Ferreira da Silva, Graduate Representative

Me. Rodrigo Oliveira de Paiva, Graduate Representative

Prof. Dr. Gustavo Silva Saldanha, External Peer (IBICT/UFRJ)

Prof. Dr. Lena Vania Ribeiro Pinheiro, External Parecer (IBICT)

Prof. Dr. Mariângela Spotti Lopes Fujita, External Parecer (UNESP)

Prof. Dr. Marta Ligia Pomim Valentim, External Parecer (UNESP) P

rof. Dr. Maurício Lissovsky, External Peer (PROPESP/UFPA)

Eunice da Conceição Borges, Staff Representative

Ester Souza Rolo, Staff Representative


Unit Development Plan (PDU) PPGCI ICSA UFPA

The objective of the PDU is to reflect, plan, and control the actions through which the sub-units of UFPA can articulate and contribute to the institutional mission, vision, and values, from its own strategic plan, formalized and based on the Institutional Development Plan (IDP), on the PDU of its shelter institute, in this case ICSA, and on its own mission and vision.

The Program makes its mission, vision and values proposal, considering the analysis of the context in which it develops and the targets of its stakeholders or interest groups. This level of strategic statements unfolds into actions organized in its tactical plan, which includes objectives, goals, actions, indicators, time terms and responsible parties. Being a new and pioneer graduate course in the Amazon, it was necessary to have an initial period of learning and reflection that, together with the experience and data accumulated during the first quadrennium, would allow a clear view of the strategic elements (context and particularities of the course, specific characteristics of the community, demands of interest groups or stakeholders) before launching a proposal.  

Ordinance N. 2/2021, of May 24, 2021

Composition of the Commission:

Prof. Dr. Cristian Berrío-Zapata, Vice-Coordination (PPGCI)

Profa. Dr. Franciele Marques Redigolo, Coordination (PPGCI)

Profa. Dr. Marise Teles Condurú, Commission Representative (APCN PPGCI)

Prof. Dr. Fernando de Assis Rodrigues, Faculty Representative

Prof. Dr. Gilberto Gomes Cândido, Faculty Representative

Profa. Dr. Natália Marinho do Nascimento, Faculty Representative

Prof. Camila do Nascimento Brito, Student Representative

Suelene Santana Assunção, Student Representative

Me. Ester Ferreira da Silva, Graduate Representative

Me. Rodrigo Oliveira de Paiva, Graduate Representative

Prof. Dr. Gustavo Silva Saldanha, External Peer (IBICT/UFRJ)

Prof. Dr. Lena Vania Ribeiro Pinheiro, External Parecer (IBICT)

Prof. Dr. Mariângela Spotti Lopes Fujita, External Parecer (UNESP)

Prof. Dr. Marta Ligia Pomim Valentim, External Parecer (UNESP)

Prof. Dr. Maurício Lissovsky, External Peer (PROPESP/UFPA)

Eunice da Conceição Borges, Staff Representative

Ester Souza Rolo, Staff Representative